Get It Write Get It Done.

A game-changer

It’s tempting to think we can do everything ourselves. The truth is, sometimes we need external help to get things done.

Getting the right help is a game-changer.

I help teams and organisations craft business strategy and communications messaging, so they can get on to delivering it.

Here are the ways I help get it done. Are any of them right for you?

Smart Strategy
Smart Strategy Intensive
Publications with punch
Nail your narrative

Smart strategy

Strategy is how we work out our goals and map a path to achieving them.

To know where to invest energy and effort, you need focus. That’s where I can help.

Whether it’s a long-term organisational strategy or a team business plan, I work with you to analyse the evidence outside your organisation and inside it, draw on your experience to understand current and future challenges, and then work with you to explore and identify new opportunities to add value and deliver impact.

This problem solves

You’re trying to do everything but feel nothing is being done well.

Your people are overwhelmed and under the pump. They want clarity and direction.

Your board is ping-ponging around new ideas and initiatives and battling different priorities.

Resource allocation, so your budget and structure are directed towards the things that will make the greatest impact.

What it will achieve

Clarity, with a strategy that guides and focuses team / organisational effort.

High engagement and alignment. Your people have a stake in the planning process and the plan.

A measurable, monitorable plan setting you apart from your peers.

Smart Strategy Intensive

We're doing heaps, but it's not working.
We just couldn't activate our audience.
They liked us, but no one bought.
Nothing we've tried is landing.

How often have you heard this about communications? Just doing more of the same doesn't cut it. Volume is not the answer.

The solution is smart strategy.

Communication strategy that aligns mar-comms with your business plan, focuses effort, and delivers measurable results.

Smart Strategy Intensive is a two-day course that teaches the fundamentals of good strategy and applies them to real communication issues or opportunities for your organisation. Our ACUMEN model teaches both relative newcomers and experienced practitioners how to plan and execute strategy in a more nuanced, engaging, and consumer-focused way.

We follow the training days with personalised small group coaching to refine the strategies so they are ready to implement.

This problem solves
Getting communication strategies done when:

Everyone is too busy with day-to-day work to stop and strategise.

Budgets are tight, and you can't outsource the work.

You need evidence proof-points to build organisational buy-in.

Staff create long lists of tactics because they don't know how to formulate a coherent strategy.

What it will achieve
It's a fast track to smart strategy.

Your organisation gets several communication strategies developed and ready to implement, and your team learns:

How to apply a robust thought process and best practice approach to developing strategy.

Where to find valuable research and evidence and what to do with it.

To effectively analyse and understand their audiences and stakeholders and craft messaging that connects.

How to shape insights into actionable strategy.

Publications with punch

Most standard communications products can be developed in-house. They’re the bread and butter of your communications team.
But sometimes, there's a flagship document that needs special treatment. That big bid. A state-wide policy. A resource for your sector. A major report or strategy.

That's where I can help.

I’m a word nerd and a stickler for quality. I can work out what you want to say and who you want to reach, then create a plan to achieve it.

I've worked on all of these types of documents and more. It's not the bread-and-butter work – you bring me in for the documents where you need a skilled wordsmith, big-brain thinking, and a cool external lens.

This problem solves

You're under the pump and don't have the time to dedicate to this big project.

There's no-one in-house with the skillset to pull this off.

You need a fresh perspective to translate complex ideas into accessible and engaging words.

What it will achieve

An exceptional piece of communication that resonates with its audience.

A carefully crafted and structured document that tells the story you need without unnecessary fluff.

A writer who knows how to deliver – and coordinate the design and printing (if needed).

Nail your narrative
A compelling narrative connects with audiences, inspiring them to take action. Crafting a strong organisational one is essential.

A powerful strategic narrative shines a light on your unique strengths and differentiators, helping you stand out.

It’s the copywriter's vivid description of who you are, what you value, and where you're going. It builds alignment, inspires, and motivates. It’s the linchpin of all the communications collateral you'll develop.

This problem solves

Your customers and community are unsure who you are and what you stand for.

Your people all describe your organisation in different ways.

You’re still telling your “origin story”– but you grew out of it years ago.

What it will achieve
Our narrative model tells your story in 'one line, one paragraph, and one page'.

Consistent messaging for your employees, customers, and stakeholders – helping them understand and connect with your organisation.

Alignment, engagement and clarity, strengthening your brand and setting you apart from your peers.

Let’s get started

Ready to Get It Done?

Connect with me now to see how I can best help your team Get It Done.

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