What [not] to do

July 13, 2021

checking tick boxes

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

My July and August are particularly busy with new projects ramping up. So I got myself organised last week. I’ve blocked out my diary with time to think and write, keep active, and deliver the work.

Plus, I’ve always been a big fan of a To Do list. There’s something very satisfying about planning out my day/week. Even more enjoyable is crossing out each action as it’s complete.

But a comment by the magnificent Lisa O’Neill last year made me realise there’s another kind of list that I need.

To Don’t list

A To Don’t list is for actions that get in the way of achieving my To Do’s. Things I don’t want to do include:

– #unproductive work that feels urgent but isn’t important

– #avoidance or #procrastination tactics (no sorting the spices or playing Candy Crush)

– saying yes to requests that aren’t a good use of my time

– Hitting the snooze button on the alarm more than once (gotta be realistic).

I feel great ticking off each item of my To Don’t list each day I’ve achieved [not doing] them. 

What would be on your To Don’t list?

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