Here’s my blog on strategy, work, words and communications.
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How do you maintain focus in a chatty cubicle?
Research shows staff in such workspaces send more emails, spend less time interacting, and are more miserable. The killer stat is that open plan consistently leads to lower rates of concentration.
The Importance Of A Big Idea
What do you see when you look at your organisation’s strategic plan? When you read it, do you have a feeling that you’re part of a business that is breaking new ground? Is there a frisson, a little shiver of excitement running down your spine?
Kondo Your Brain
“Every mind is a clutter of memories, images, inventions and age-old repetitions. It can be a ghetto, too, if a ghetto is a sealed-off, confined place. Or a sanctuary, where one is free to dream and think whatever one wants.”
Be “more strategic”
It’s something several of my coaching clients have been told at times. And for them, unless they’ve been given a really concrete idea of what their boss is (and is not) looking for it’s been really frustrating.
Stuff or substance
Is most of your work-day filled with purpose? Do you know where your time goes and what your effort goes towards? We all have the same amount of time in our day. So how is it that some people seem to manage it better? It seems to be less about managing time and more about managing self.
Stumbling Blocks to [Communications] Strategy
Last year at the International Association of Business Communicators Asia Pacific conference I asked delegates what were the biggest barriers to doing [good] communications strategy faced by their teams.
Sometimes It Really Is The Little Things
When should we actually sweat the small stuff?
Town crier or effective communicator – which are you?
Great comms is more than a one-way broadcast or announcement. As communicators, we’ve got to do better. We need to inform more strategically. We need to interpret the decisions of government to help people understand them more deeply. And we need to engage way more effectively.
I write regularly on strategy, work, words and communications. Subscribe to my newsletter to read it first.

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