

Here’s my blog on strategy, work, words and communications.

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Making words work – Get It Write

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 44 per cent of Australians have low English literacy skills. And research shows that 80 per cent of people like plain language, no matter how highly educated they are. What readers want is simple, clear and concise language.

Talk to me about the Get It Write program if you’re interested in other ways to get words working for you.

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Fourth estate under fire

I’m no apologist for online bullying; I loathe it. But as Margaret Simons writes in The Age there is a difference between abuse and legitimate critique.

The mainstream media is not itself always right, fair, or unbiased.

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Top of the viral world

Emirates Airlines had a win last week with their latest Fly Better release. The ad features a nausea-inducing shot of a flight attendant standing atop the world’s tallest building. Online chatter immediately kicked off

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Honesty, hype and hyperbole

A former colleague set up a consulting practice some years ago and asked me to help with copy for the website. We talked through the services she and her partners were offering, the problems they solved for clients, and their combined expertise.

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