Strategic planning – why you have to say no

people coming out of crowded lift

Image by: Jrabelo |

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein 

Sounds about right, hey? But then Albert Einstein was a smart guy. Not just in physics. 

So why do organisations do the same thing over and over and expect a different result? 

We see it all the time. 

Organisations have limited capacity. 

They’re like a bucket of water. If you don’t tip some water out, you can’t add anything new. 

If you want to do new things, you must stop doing others. 

You need to say no. But saying no is hard. 

I provide business and communications strategy for the public and not-for-profit sectors. 

I help clients to focus so they can invest their effort and energy to achieve the best results. 

Harnessing their experience, inspiration and the evidence at hand, we work together to lay out a pathway beyond business as usual, so they can see the opportunities ahead. 

I help them say no. 

Because that tiny negative word can lead to significant positive change. 

And that is good for everyone.


#Strategy #StrategicPlanning #TurnIntentionsIntoAction

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