People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

February 13, 2020

Announce inform engage interpret

So said Simon Sinek in his famous TED Talk (48 million views and counting).  

Sinek was talking about leadership. But he could just as well have been talking about government and how it communicates.

𝐖𝐡𝐲 is where interpretation comes in.

Interpretation is:
– a bit more nuanced
– a lot more intelligent
– a willingness to explore complexity
– an admission that public policy is complex and needs discussion, explanation.

It’s like the difference between a 30 second TV spot and a one-hour participatory webinar.

I saw a beautiful example last week by Victoria’s Chief Health Officer (thanks for sharing Andrew Hockley).

In the 1:57 minute video, Dr Brett Sutton summarises what’s currently known about Coronavirus. He reassures us about how it is transmitted and the appropriate precautions to take. And he calls out the racist and xenophobic responses of some, encouraging us to support our Australian-Chinese communities.

I say Bravo for thoughtful communication in practice.

I’m into all things strategy and communication and government. If you are too, send me a connection request in LinkedIN and let’s chat. 


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