Drawing a line in the sand.

August 6, 2019

hot sun on desert

When does someone else’s disorganisation become your problem?

* warning, cranky-pants post ahead.

Last week I ran day one of a training course. It’s a program I love, teaching communications and marketing strategy. It’s practical, hands-on learning. Trainees finish the two days with a draft strategy for their issue or program.

Ten organisations had each booked in two people.

We sent an e-reminder the week before, asking trainees to arrive early as we would be starting on time at 9:30.

18 people were present and enjoying morning tea at 9:15. At 9:33 we started the program having tried to call and SMS the tardy two.

No reply all day.

Several days later a very apologetic email arrived. It said:

“So sorry. We knew that this was over two days but TBH somehow we forgot to put the first day in our diary. But don’t worry. We’ll be at the second one and thought you could give us some one-on-one time to catch us up with what’s been covered so far”.

My response. Um, nope. Not happening. And BTW sorry, not sorry.

Aside from the known benefits to collaborative learning which this program is designed around… why should I deliver it twice to make up for their disordered diary?

Am I being ungenerous? What would you have done?

What excuses are acceptable to you? Where’s your line in the sand?

(P.S. We’ve offered them a place in this program later in the year when we run it again. I’m not heartless.)

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