Overcoming overwhelm

Overcoming overwhelm

My friend rang a couple of weeks ago and I answered the phone enthusiastically. We hadn’t chatted for ages. Then she burst into tears. Whoa, I thought, this isn’t a simple catch-up.  She’s a first responder and had been involved with a couple of...
Letting go

Letting go

I let go of something last week. Something that’s been in my life for the last few years. Something I perhaps should have let go sooner. I’m not a hoarder, and I’m not sentimental about stuff.  I’ve joined the local Buy Nothing group and...
From intention to impact

From intention to impact

Sitting between good intentions and great results is action. Taking action is how we have impact. I’d call it impaction, but that means something not-so-nice! #FromIntentionsToAction #Strategy
Because activity isn’t impact

Because activity isn’t impact

How do you measure the value of your work? How does your effort bring you closer to your goals? Do you even think about what you’ve achieved? It’s easy to get to the end of the day and wonder where the hours have gone. We’re busy. We’ve barely...
Busy work is exhausting

Busy work is exhausting

There was a lot of talk about work-life balance when we worked from home during the pandemic. There were plenty of positives. Flexible hours. Time saved on commuting. We could work in our PJs from the kitchen. The sale of leisurewear went through the roof as people...
Strategic planning – why you have to say no

Strategic planning – why you have to say no

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein  Sounds about right, hey? But then Albert Einstein was a smart guy. Not just in physics.  So why do organisations do the same thing over and over...

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