What’s the line?

What’s the line?

Earlier this week I wrote that government communication is often a one-way, one-dimensional broadcast. I described it as being too much ‘above the line’ and someone asked me what I meant.   Above-The-Line stems, I believe*, from the 1950s when...
Are you critical or credulous?

Are you critical or credulous?

Are you critical or credulous? The global research is telling us that skills rather than qualifications are the job currency of the future. Critical thinking and analysis will be a big part of the future skills in demand. But what is it? The Foundation For Critical...
When you only have so much capacity

When you only have so much capacity

One of the things organisations wrestle with when planning their strategy is what to let go of. It’s easy to come up with shiny new stuff. New initiatives and ideas abound in planning workshops. So #excitement! But when asked what’s going to STOP to make space, the...
Drawing a line in the sand.

Drawing a line in the sand.

When does someone else’s disorganisation become your problem? * warning, cranky-pants post ahead. Last week I ran day one of a training course. It’s a program I love, teaching communications and marketing strategy. It’s practical, hands-on learning. Trainees finish...

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