I rarely tweet, but I watch a lot of Twitter. If that watching is on the coronavirus pandemic (and how people respond to the work going on to curb it), I can be in turn infuriated, frustrated and despairing.But Twitter can also be lovely and profoundly moving. Late...
While I was away, the report from Dr Helen Szoke’s Review on Sexual Harassment in Victorian Courts and VCAT was released. My colleague Helen McDonald and I have been working on this project since July last year, doing the comms strategy, brand, website,...
Last week I was asked to include the following line as an action in a strategic plan: Develop a digital strategy.I suggested perhaps we could add an explainer to help readers know what we meant by a digital strategy. Here’s what came back: Develop a...
It was great to speak at the VID21 conference last week. One of the fab things about a virtual conference is that the audience participates in the online chat and the commentary has left me with so much more to think about. Yep, I’m a strategy tragic!One of the...
Much of the research and discussion about the workplace reboot is about safety and trust. The safety conversation grapples with how people interact in offices and on the shop or factory floors. How we’ll travel to and from work....