Are you critical or credulous?

August 20, 2019


Are you critical or credulous?

The global research is telling us that skills rather than qualifications are the job currency of the future.

Critical thinking and analysis will be a big part of the future skills in demand. But what is it?

The Foundation For Critical Thinking (yes there is such a thing) defines critical thinking as a process of intellectual discipline–how we actively apply, conceptualise, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information, before coming to a conclusion.

Critical thinking is about thinking independently.

If we’re not critical we’re credulous. Like Henny Penny we’re told that the sky is falling and rush around spreading panic.

We need to question ideas we’re presented with. Be open minded, but test. Put some rigour around them, and test the evidence that underpins them. This is not to say we should rely on the excellence of our Google searches (anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers come to mind). Put your critical thinking skills to work today and question something that’s presented to you as fact. I’d love to hear how you go.

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#criticalthinking #strategicthinking

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